Seminophagia Monday, July 6, 2009

Illustration of a woman consuming a large quantity of semen from a container

Seminophagia, or spermophagia, is the ingestion of semen for erotic gratification and/or nutritional value and other physical or spiritual benefits. Sources of semen are either from human males or male animals. The most common way that swallowing of semen occurs is when fellatio is performed to climax. Seminophagia is engaged in by people of both sexes. Men may consume their own semen after masturbation, sex, or autofellatio

Nutritional value

Semen is primarily composed of water, but has been shown to contain trace amounts of virtually every nutrient the human body uses, including DHA (an important omega-3 fatty acid).[1] It has somewhat higher amounts of commonly deficient minerals such as potassium, magnesium and selenium.[2] A tablespoon of semen contains approximately 20 calories.[3] One typical ejaculation contains 150 mg of protein, 11 mg of carbohydrates, 6 mg fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7% US RDA potassium and 3% US RDA copper and zinc. [4] The protein content of semen is roughly equivalent to that found in the egg white of a large egg.[5]

Health benefits

Seminal plasma contains minerals such as zinc and calcium, both of which are known to inhibit tooth decay. Semen also has antidepressant properties because of epinephrine[6] and various mood-altering hormones that it contains, [7] and it has thus been called "Nature's Prozac."[8][9]

Seminophagia provides the body with testosterone, which is important to maintain muscle and bone strength. While women need a smaller proportion of testosterone than men, it is just as important to female health as it is to male.[10] Testosterone reduces the risk of heart attack, protects against stroke, and can even treat diabetes.[11] Testosterone is particularly important after menopause. When testosterone levels in the blood increase in testosterone-deficient women, bone density usually improves, and women generally report that they feel better.[12]

In addition, there are at least two published studies with findings indicating that regular semen exposure is able to reduce breast cancer risk "not less than 50 percent."[13][14] This effect is attributed to its glycoprotein and selenium content.[15] These studies involved vaginal sex, however, the gastrointestinal tract is much more conducive to facilitate nutrient absorption than either the vagina or the rectum. [16]

Seminophagia's greatest benefit may be the fact that semen contains a substance which conditions a mother's immune system to accept the "foreign" proteins found in sperm as well as the resulting fetus and placenta, keeping blood pressure low and thereby reducing the risk of preeclampsia. Regular exposure to the baby's father's semen, especially orally, may thus help make a woman's pregnancy safer and more successful, because she is absorbing her partner's antigens.[17]

Although some writers in the past, such as Havelock Ellis and, citing Ellis' sources, Marie Stopes, have said that consumption of semen is good for women's physical and mental health and prevents lesbianism and nymphomania, this has been seen as a way of reinforcing the patriarchy: women's dependence upon men.[18]

Taste and quantity

One source has noted that "few women praise the taste" of semen.[19] However, as with breast milk, the taste of semen can be altered by diet. Higher red meat and dairy intake may increase its generally salty taste. Asparagus has been noted to cause bitterness, while parsley, celery, cinnamon, and many kinds of fruit (especially tropical) are noted to sweeten it. The semen of heavy smokers and drinkers tends to carry a more acrid taste.[20]

The volume of semen ejaculate varies, but a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful is normal (5 to 15 mL), making 10 mL a rough average. However, the amounts can be double or more in cases of prolonged interval between ejaculations, or depending on the man himself. Younger males tend to produce larger quantities.[21]

Cultural practices

Several tribes of Papua New Guinea (the Etoro, Baruya, Sambia, Kaluli and Gebusi) believe that semen provides sexual maturation among the younger men of their tribe. To them, semen possesses the manly nature of the tribal elders, and in order to pass down their authority and powers, younger men of their next generation must drink their elders' semen. This fellatio and seminophagia custom commences among prepubescent males and postpubescents.[22][23]

In the modern St. Priapus Church, consumption of semen in the presence of others is a form of worship.[24] It is esteemed as sacred because of its divine life-giving power. Some chapters of the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica practice the consumption of semen during the Gnostic Mass, composed by Aleister Crowley.[25]

Health risks

There is no risk in ingesting the semen of a healthy man. Seminophagia carries no additional risk other than those inherent in fellatio. While fellatio does carry some risk for sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV or herpes,[26] HIV and all other viruses are destroyed by stomach acid.[27] Research has suggested that performing unprotected oral sex on a person infected with human papillomavirus (HPV) might increase the risk of oral or throat cancer. The study found that 36 percent of the cancer patients had HPV compared to only 1 percent of the healthy control group. It is believed that this is due to the transmission of HPV because this virus has been implicated in the majority of cervical cancers.[28] Even if semen is cold before the individual ingests it, viruses can stay active for a long period of time once outside the body. Contracting diseases from oral sex is more likely if there are sores in the mouth.

External links

See also


  1. ^
  2. ^
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  4. ^'s-Health/Weird-Facts-About-Semen.263033
  5. ^
  6. ^
  7. ^'s-Health/Weird-Facts-About-Semen.263033
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  18. ^ Foster, G.A. Captive bodies, SUNY press, 1999. ISBN 0791441555 p 61.
  19. ^ Staines, L. What women want Rodale, 2000, ISBN 1579540937, p.236
  20. ^ | "The Taste Below the Waist"
  21. ^
  22. ^
  23. ^'s-Health/Weird-Facts-About-Semen.263033
  24. ^ J. Gordon Melton (1996, 5th ed.). Encyclopedia of American Religions (Detroit, Mich.: Gale) ISBN 0810377144 p. 952.
  25. ^ Gallagher, Eugene. Ashcraft, Michael. Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America, Greenwood, 2006, ISBN 0275987124, p.101
  26. ^ Rosenthal, Sara. The Gynecological Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2003, ISBN 0071402799 p151
  27. ^
  28. ^