traffic analysis

List of amphibians Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This is a list of amphibians by Family. It lists all families and subfamilies of amphibians and mentions the number of species in each of them.

The list below largely follows Frost, 2009: Amphibian Species of the World, an Online Reference. Version 5.3 (February, 2009).

Another classification, which largely follows Frost, but deviates from it in part is the one of AmphibiaWeb, by the University of California, Berkeley.

A major difference between the two above classifications is that Frost has split several families off from some major families (i.e. elevated to distinct families), whereas AmphibiaWeb has not (i.e. keeping them within the original families), notably:

  • From Leptodactylidae: Brachycephalidae
  • From Ranidae: Ceratobatrachidae, Dicroglossidae, Pyxicephalidae

See Sources below.

Class Amphibia

Total 6433 species

Order Anura - Frogs and Toads

Total 5679 species

Order Caudata - Salamanders

Total 580 species

Order Gymnophiona - Caecilian

Total 174 species